Please check out the main project page as well.
For information on how to install and use this software, see the Getting Started page.
libfreesrp is a C++ library for programming, controlling and getting data from the FreeSRP. It can be used to write applications that interface with the FreeSRP.
To use the FreeSRP as a general-purpose SDR transceiver, you can install GNURadio. The FreeSRP is compatible with GNURadio through a fork of gr-osmosdr (original project page, my fork), which also allows it to be used with Gqrx and many other GNURadio-based programs.
Coming soon!
The FreeSRP is a single 10x7cm PCB with an RF frontend, an FPGA for processing and a USB 3.0 interface.
The frontend is based on the Analog Devices AD9364 RF transceiver. Its main features are:
A Xilinx Artix 7 XC7A50T FPGA is connected to the parallel CMOS interface of the AD9364 and the GPIF II interface the USB 3.0 microcontroller provides.
It is used for real-time signal processing. Configuration happens through the USB microcontroller, which loads the bitstream onto the flash memory the FPGA uses. A JTAG debugging interface is provided as well.
For USB 3.0 connectivity and system control the Cypress EZ-USB FX3 CYUSB3014 microcontroller is used.